team in front of the eiffel tower

Should We Travel Internationally for a Team Offsite?

Ah, the team offsite. That golden opportunity for bonding, brainstorming, and maybe a little bit of beach time. But as the organizer, you might be staring at a world map thinking, “Should we cross borders for this?” The short answer: Yes! And believe it or not, jetting off internationally can often be easier on your budget than staying stateside. Let’s dive into why taking your team offsite to a far-flung locale could be your best decision yet—and tackle a few concerns while we’re at it....

July 16, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
Team around a table

Remote Team Travel on a Budget

Remote work is great. You can sip your coffee in your pajamas, avoid the morning commute, and still get things done. But, let’s face it—sometimes you just want to see your team in person, if only to confirm that everyone actually exists outside of Zoom squares. So, where should you take your domestic, remote team without blowing the budget? Let’s dive into the top budget-friendly destinations that will have your team bonding without burning through your annual profits!...

July 2, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
man looking silly while trying to fine-pencil a travel budget

Is Your Offsite Planning Company Fairly Estimating Your Travel Costs?

Planning an offsite can be a blast—it’s a chance for your team to bond, brainstorm, and break free from the daily grind. But before you get to the good stuff, there’s the whole planning process, which can be a bit of a nightmare. One of the biggest headaches? Travel costs. You’ve hired an offsite company to take care of the budgeting, but something just doesn’t seem right. Are those travel costs they’re quoting you legit, or are you about to overpay for your team’s big escape?...

June 12, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
beach conference room

Should Your Distributed Team Meet in Person? Absolutely!

For many companies, distributed teams are the future; and if you’re part of one, you’re probably loving the flexibility of working from anywhere with Wi-Fi. But just because you can work from a beach in Bali or a cabin in the Rockies doesn’t mean you should skip those face-to-face meetings. Yes, in-person meetings! For some reason, the idea of meeting in person tends to give people flashbacks to stuffy conference rooms and stale coffee....

June 4, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
team in the woods working

The Real Costs of Planning a Team Offsite: More Than Just a Pretty Venue

Team offsites are all the rage—and for good reason. They’re a chance to get everyone out of the office (or out of their home offices) and into a fresh environment where creativity can flourish, bonds can be strengthened, and new strategies can be hatched. But before you book that dreamy mountain lodge or the swanky downtown loft, it’s essential to understand the true costs involved. Spoiler: it’s not just about the money....

May 28, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
boss man talk

How to Justify the Cost of an Offsite to Your Boss (and Come Out Looking Like a Genius)

Offsites: those magical days where you and your team escape the confines of the office, bond over trust falls (do people do these anymore?), and hopefully solve that one problem that’s been haunting your department for months. But how do you convince your boss that this excursion is worth the investment? After all, the budget isn’t bottomless, and the ROI can seem, well, a little fuzzy. If you’re gearing up to pitch the idea of an offsite to your boss, fear not!...

May 27, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
stressful team travel scheduling

Should you plan an offsite yourself or hire a company to do it for you?

Planning an offsite can be a game-changer for your team’s morale, creativity, and productivity. But when it comes to organizing the whole shebang, you might be left wondering: Should you plan an offsite yourself or hire a company to do it for you? Let’s go through the pros and cons of each approach so you can decide what’s best for your team. Spoiler alert: whichever route you take, you’ll want to make sure you’re using Team, Assemble!...

May 13, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!