Planning a team trip can be a fantastic way to boost morale, improve collaboration, and reward hard work, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

A well-thought-out corporate travel policy ensures that your team trip is smooth, enjoyable, and aligned with your company’s goals.

Let’s dive into what makes a great corporate travel policy for team trips, so you can focus on making memories instead of managing chaos.

1. Set Clear Objectives for the Trip

Before the bags are packed and the flights booked, it’s crucial to define the purpose of the trip. Is this trip meant for team-building, training, or celebrating achievements? Setting clear objectives helps guide the planning process, ensuring that the trip delivers real value to both the team and the company.

Pro-Tip: Align the travel itinerary with these objectives. If it’s a training trip, ensure there’s enough downtime for relaxation so that the team can absorb the material effectively.

2. Establish a Budget and Stick to It

Money matters, and when it comes to team trips, costs can spiral out of control if not managed carefully. A good corporate travel policy should include a clear budget that covers transportation, accommodation, meals, and incidental expenses. This not only keeps the company’s finances in check but also prevents any awkward discussions about overspending.

Pro-Tip: Incorporate a daily allowance for meals and other personal expenses. This ensures fairness and helps teammates manage their spending without needing to ask for approval every time they want to grab a coffee.

Pro-Tip 2: Use [Team, Assemble!] to plan your flight and hotel costs. (Ahem ahem.)

3. Travel Booking Guidelines

Deciding who books the travel and how it’s done is another critical aspect. Whether you have a dedicated travel coordinator, use a corporate travel agency, or allow your team to self-book their flights: the process should be streamlined and stress-free.

Key Elements to Include:

  • Preferred airlines and hotels (taking loyalty programs into account)
  • Booking deadlines to take advantage of early-bird discounts
  • Guidelines on choosing economy vs. business class
  • Ground transportation options (rental cars, public transit, etc.)

Pro-Tip: Encourage group bookings whenever possible to ensure the team travels together, which can be both cost-effective and better for team bonding. But, don’t force the issue! Team, Assemble! allows travelers to set their preferences—while cost savings is important, so is honoring your team’s needs.

4. Accommodation Standards

Not all hotel stays are created equal, and your policy should reflect the level of comfort and convenience expected. Consider factors like proximity to the event or meeting location, Wi-Fi availability, and breakfast options.

Key Considerations:

  • Star rating and quality standards
  • Amenities like Wi-Fi, gym access, and breakfast
  • Distance from the main event or office location

Pro-Tip: Opt for hotels that offer loyalty programs so the company can earn points for future travel, or even better, allow teammates to earn points for their own loyalty accounts as a perk.

5. Health, Safety, and Travel Insurance

The safety and well-being of your teammates should be at the forefront of your travel policy. Ensure that the policy includes comprehensive travel insurance that covers health emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage. Additionally, include guidelines for emergency contacts and procedures if something goes wrong.

Pro-Tip: Provide a travel safety briefing or resources, especially if the trip involves international travel, to prepare the team for cultural differences, health risks, and emergency situations.

6. Flexibility and Leisure Time

While the main purpose of the trip is work-related, a little bit of leisure time can go a long way in making the trip more enjoyable. A good policy will account for some flexibility, allowing teammates to explore the destination or unwind after a day of meetings.

Pro-Tip: Offer suggestions for team activities or local attractions that teammates can enjoy during their downtime. This can also be a great way to build team camaraderie.

7. Reimbursement Process

Finally, the policy should clearly outline the reimbursement process for any out-of-pocket expenses. Make sure the process is simple, with clear documentation requirements, so teammates are not left holding the bill.

Key Points:

  • What expenses are eligible for reimbursement
  • The process for submitting expenses
  • Expected timeline for reimbursement

Pro-Tip: Use expense management software to make the reimbursement process seamless, reducing the administrative burden on both teammates and the finance team.

Conclusion: The Final Checklist for a Seamless Trip

A well-crafted corporate travel policy for team trips ensures that everyone knows what to expect, reducing stress and making the experience more enjoyable for all. By setting clear guidelines and being mindful of your team’s needs, you can plan a trip that’s not only productive but also memorable.

Looking to make your next team trip unforgettable? Try Team, Assemble! and get the most out of your team travel budget.