Planning an offsite can be a blast—it’s a chance for your team to bond, brainstorm, and break free from the daily grind. But before you get to the good stuff, there’s the whole planning process, which can be a bit of a nightmare. One of the biggest headaches? Travel costs. You’ve hired an offsite company to take care of the budgeting, but something just doesn’t seem right. Are those travel costs they’re quoting you legit, or are you about to overpay for your team’s big escape?

Here’s how to know if your offsite company is giving you a fair shake—or if it’s time to start asking some tough questions.

1. Do a Quick Reality Check: The Internet is Your Friend

Let’s start with the basics: compare. The offsite company sends you a travel estimate, and your first move should be to hop on Team, Assemble! (I mean, we’re obviously biased, but it’s for good reason!)

Look up flights, hotel rates, and even transportation costs for the same dates and locations.

If the numbers you find are wildly different from what the company is quoting, that’s your first red flag. Now, remember, the offsite company might be adding a small markup for convenience (after all, they’re doing the legwork), but if you’re seeing a 20%+ difference, it’s time to dig deeper.

2. Ask for a Breakdown: Transparency is Key

When something doesn’t feel right, ask for a detailed breakdown of the travel costs. The company should be able to provide itemized expenses—everything from airfare and hotel stays to transportation and meals.

This breakdown should include:

  • Flight Costs: Are they booking direct flights or cheaper layovers?
  • Accommodation: Are they booking at the most convenient yet budget-friendly hotels, or splurging on luxury stays?
  • Transportation: Are they considering options like car rentals, shuttles, or public transport?
  • Additional Fees: Watch out for hidden charges like service fees or commissions.

If they’re hesitant to provide this info, that’s another red flag. A trustworthy offsite company will be transparent about where your money is going.

3. Consider the Timing: When Did They Book?

Timing is everything when it comes to travel costs. If your offsite company is waiting until the last minute to book flights and hotels, you might be looking at sky-high prices. Booking early usually means better deals, so if the quotes are coming in late, you could be overpaying simply due to poor planning.

Ask when they plan to book (or when they did book) the travel. If they’re cutting it close, politely suggest they start the booking process ASAP to lock in better rates.

4. Get a Second Opinion: Double-Check with Another Vendor

If you’re still feeling uneasy, get a second opinion. Reach out to another offsite planning company or even do a quick DIY check to see if you can get a better quote for the same trip.

Having another estimate in hand gives you leverage—if your current offsite company knows you’re shopping around, they might be more inclined to give you a fair price or at least match the competition.

5. Trust Your Gut: If It Feels Off, It Probably Is

Sometimes, you just have to trust your instincts. If something feels off, it’s worth investigating further. A little skepticism can go a long way in protecting your budget and ensuring you’re getting what you pay for.

Conclusion: Don’t Settle for Sketchy Estimates

When planning your next offsite, make sure your travel budget is in good hands. Do your homework, ask for transparency, and don’t be afraid to challenge numbers that don’t make sense.

Your team deserves a great offsite without the worry of being overcharged—and you deserve peace of mind knowing you’re getting a fair deal.

Ready to take the guesswork out of your next offsite? Sign up for Team, Assemble! Our platform ensures transparency, fair pricing, and expert planning for your company’s events—no surprises, just great experiences.