For many companies, distributed teams are the future; and if you’re part of one, you’re probably loving the flexibility of working from anywhere with Wi-Fi.

But just because you can work from a beach in Bali or a cabin in the Rockies doesn’t mean you should skip those face-to-face meetings. Yes, in-person meetings! For some reason, the idea of meeting in person tends to give people flashbacks to stuffy conference rooms and stale coffee. But, when done right, these meetings can be the secret sauce that takes your team from good to absolutely unstoppable.

So, which teams should be getting together, and how often? Let’s break it down!

The Creative Dream Teams: Designers, Writers, and Marketers

Creativity thrives on collaboration, and nothing beats the energy of an in-person brainstorming session. If your team is all about crafting the next big idea, from viral campaigns to stunning visuals, meeting in person should be non-negotiable. You can try to brainstorm over Zoom, but there’s something magical about being in the same room, tossing ideas around, sketching on whiteboards, and feeding off each other’s energy.

We like literally tossing a ball around when chatting. Give it a try!

How Often?

Aim for at least one in-person session every quarter. This gives your team enough time to let those ideas percolate before coming together to refine and perfect them. Bonus points if you can align these meetings with key project milestones, so you’re always syncing up before the big push.

Tech Team: Engineers, Developers, and IT Pros

Distributed teams of engineers and developers are often considered the ones who “don’t need” to meet in person. (Or people convince themselves that this is the case.) But that’s a myth! Sure, coding is something you can do from anywhere, but there’s a lot to be gained from face-to-face collaboration. Complex problem-solving, code reviews, and architecture planning are all areas where in-person meetings can provide clarity that’s sometimes hard to achieve through a screen.

Sometimes, two people like to code together on one computer. It may sound crazy, but some companies make great money charging two-heads-per-computer and make a killing at it!

How Often?

At least twice a year. Use these meetings for sprint planning, retrospectives, or even a hackathon. (Fun fact: Team, Assemble! was originally slated to be a hackathon project by our founder! He kept it to himself, though. Very selfish of him.)

They’re also a great time to discuss long-term strategies and technical roadmaps that need everyone’s buy-in.

Leadership Teams: Executives, Managers, and Team Leads

Leading a distributed team can feel like trying to herd cats—virtually, of course. Leadership teams need to be in sync more than anyone else, setting the tone for the entire organization. When leaders meet in person, they can tackle strategic planning, align on goals, and address any cross-team challenges that might not be as obvious when everyone is in their own bubble.

How Often?

Once a quarter should be the minimum; ideally, every 4-6 weeks during high-velocity periods. This ensures that everyone’s on the same page, and it’s an opportunity to address any issues before they become full-blown fires. You might even consider monthly meetups if your team is growing rapidly or going through a significant change.

The “Teams of Teams”: Cross-Functional Groups

Sometimes, you need to bring different teams together—developers, designers, marketers, sales, customer support—because magic happens when diverse minds collaborate. These cross-functional meetups can break down silos, spark innovation, and build stronger interdepartmental relationships.

How Often?

Twice a year is a good starting point. However, for large, complex projects, more frequent meetups could be beneficial, especially at key project stages like kick-off and launch. Plus, these meetups are a great chance for team bonding across departments.

The Wildcards: Anyone and Everyone

Let’s not forget the power of the wildcard meeting. Maybe you’re launching a new product, entering a new market, or undergoing a major organizational change. In these cases, you might need to gather the troops, no matter their department or role, to ensure everyone’s aligned and motivated.

How Often?

This one’s a bit trickier because it depends on what’s happening in your organization. But, if something major is on the horizon, it’s worth bringing everyone together, even if it’s just once a year.

Some big companies do this famously and pick non-typical, international destinations to bring together the entire team… whether their hundreds in number, or thousands.

With Team, Assemble!, you can let you imagination (and not your budget) run wild.

But Wait, What About Virtual Meetings?

Virtual meetings are great for keeping the wheels turning day-to-day. But the magic of in-person meetings comes from the energy, spontaneity, and deep connection that just can’t be replicated through a screen. Think of it this way: virtual meetings keep your team functional, but in-person meetings make your team exceptional.

Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Meetups

So, who should meet in person? Pretty much everyone! Whether you’re on a creative team, an engineering squad, or leading the charge from the front lines, there’s something to gain from face-to-face interaction. The key is to make these meetings count. Plan them strategically around your team’s needs, and make sure they’re filled with productive work and team-building fun.

And remember, these meetings aren’t just about work. They’re about strengthening relationships, building trust, and laying the foundation for a more connected, collaborative, and creative team.

Ready to supercharge your team’s collaboration? Try Team, Assemble! today and ensure your next team meetup is full of joy.