Planning a company offsite can feel like coordinating a small-scale expedition. There’s a lot to remember and plenty of moving parts to manage. To ensure your offsite goes off without a hitch, here’s the ultimate checklist, covering everything from pre-event planning to post-event follow-ups.

Pre-Event Planning: Setting the Stage

  • Define Objectives: Clarify the purpose of the offsite—team building, strategy planning, innovation sessions, etc.
  • Budget Planning: Set a realistic budget covering venue, travel, meals, activities, and contingency funds.
  • Venue Selection: Choose a location that aligns with your objectives and is accessible to all attendees.
  • Accommodation Arrangements: Book hotels or lodgings, considering comfort, proximity to the venue, and amenities.
  • Transportation Logistics: Arrange group transportation, including shuttles, flights, and car rentals where necessary.
  • Event Date Finalization: Pick dates that work for the majority and avoid busy seasons or major holidays.
  • RSVP Management: Send out invites early and track responses to get an accurate headcount.
  • Agenda Creation: Develop a detailed agenda with a mix of work sessions, breaks, and team-building activities.
  • Team Roles Assignment: Assign specific roles to team members, like facilitators, coordinators, and tech support.
  • Legal Considerations: Review contracts for the venue, vendors, and any required insurance or liability waivers.
  • Health and Safety Protocols: Plan for first aid, emergency contacts, and COVID-19 precautions if relevant.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure the event is accessible and inclusive, with accommodations for dietary, mobility, or other needs.
  • Team Survey: Conduct a pre-event survey to gauge team expectations, preferences, and concerns.
  • Tech Requirements: Identify and arrange for necessary tech gear like projectors, Wi-Fi, microphones, and chargers.
  • Event Registration Software: Set up an online platform for easy check-in and management of attendee details.
  • Presentation Materials: Prepare slides, handouts, and any other materials required for workshops or meetings.
  • Catering and Meals: Plan a menu that includes diverse dietary options; don’t forget snacks and coffee breaks.
  • Icebreakers and Activities: Plan fun and engaging icebreakers and team-building exercises.
  • Social Media Strategy: Plan how to document the event on social media without distracting from the experience.
  • Pre-event Communication: Send detailed event info, including itinerary, what to bring, and travel tips to attendees.

During the Event: Running the Show

  • Check-In Process: Ensure a smooth check-in with a welcome desk, name badges, and event packs.
  • On-Site Coordination: Have a team on-site to manage logistics, answer questions, and troubleshoot issues.
  • Welcome Speech: Kick off the event with a warm welcome and a reminder of the objectives.
  • Icebreaker Sessions: Start with light activities to get everyone comfortable and engaged.
  • Meeting Spaces: Set up and test all meeting spaces in advance, including AV equipment.
  • Time Management: Stick to the agenda but allow flexibility for discussions and brainstorming.
  • Refreshment Stations: Keep coffee, tea, water, and snacks available throughout the day.
  • Team-Building Activities: Mix in fun activities to break up the work and encourage bonding.
  • Workshops and Sessions: Facilitate productive sessions that align with your offsite goals.
  • Networking Opportunities: Build in time for informal networking and socializing.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Provide a way for attendees to give real-time feedback.
  • Photography/Videography: Capture key moments with a dedicated photographer or videographer.
  • Wellness Considerations: Offer wellness activities like yoga, meditation, or outdoor walks.
  • Post-Session Recaps: Have a facilitator summarize each session to ensure key points are captured.
  • Tech Support: Keep IT support on standby for any technical glitches.
  • End-of-Day Recap: Briefly recap the day’s events and set expectations for the next day.
  • Evening Social Events: Plan an optional evening event, like a dinner, party, or local outing.
  • Emergency Contacts: Have a list of emergency contacts and procedures on hand.
  • Waste Management: Ensure there’s a plan for waste disposal, recycling, and minimizing environmental impact.

Post-Event: Wrapping It Up

  • Feedback Survey: Send out a post-event survey to gather attendee feedback.
  • Thank You Notes: Send personalized thank-you emails to attendees, speakers, and vendors.
  • Follow-Up Meeting: Schedule a debrief meeting with the organizing team to discuss what went well and areas for improvement.
  • Post-Event Report: Compile a report summarizing key takeaways, feedback, and action items.
  • Content Sharing: Share presentations, photos, and key learnings with the team via a shared drive or platform.
  • Expense Reports: Gather and submit all expense receipts and invoices for final budget reconciliation.
  • Update Documentation: Revise your offsite planning documents with lessons learned for future reference.
  • Celebrate Success: Acknowledge the hard work of everyone involved in making the offsite a success.
  • Plan Next Steps: Set a timeline for implementing any decisions or plans made during the offsite.
  • Event Reflection: Encourage the team to reflect on the offsite experience and share insights or ideas for the next one.

With this comprehensive checklist, you’ll be more than prepared to host an offsite that’s not just productive but also memorable for your entire team.

Happy planning!

If you need help estimating travel and accommodation costs based on where you’re thinking about having a team offsite, give Team, Assemble! a whirl. We can help you out.