person sitting at desk with airfares fluctuating like cray cray

Why Do Flight Prices Vary So Much?

Ever noticed how the price of your dream getaway can swing from “let’s book it now!” to “maybe we’ll just stay home this year” in a matter of hours? Flight prices are as unpredictable as the weather, and just as frustrating. One minute you’re ready to click “book,” and the next, you’re wondering if you should’ve taken that extra 30-minute layover in Topeka. Try doing this with a remote and distributed team, and you’ve got a non-deterministic budget that might break your company’s bank account....

August 16, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
Managing all these conflicting priorities in team preferences!

Beyond The Hard Costs of Running a Company Offsite

Offsites are like the team-building equivalent of a superhero’s training montage—essential, inspiring, and full of camaraderie. But unlike the movies, where you get to skip ahead to the epic final battle, planning and executing an offsite comes with its fair share of costs. And we’re not just talking about the obvious ones like flights, lodging, and conference room rentals. Oh no, my friend, there’s a whole underground lair of hidden expenses waiting to ambush your budget....

July 16, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!