panopticon of video offsite

How to Lead an Offsite for Distributed Teams

In a world where teams are spread across time zones, leading a team offsite is like conducting an orchestra—except your violinist is in Singapore, your cellist is in New York, and your trumpeter insists on working from a cozy café in Paris. But don’t worry! With the right planning and a sprinkle of creativity, you can host an offsite that leaves everyone feeling connected, inspired, and ready to conquer the next big challenge....

July 31, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
work play balance

It’s All About Time: Finding the Perfect Balance for Your Team Offsite

Planning a team offsite? It’s exciting! You’re picturing bonding moments, brainstorming sessions, and a stronger, more connected team. But here’s the catch: if you overdo it, you risk team burnout and diminishing returns. If you under-plan, you might miss out on valuable opportunities for connection and productivity. So, how do you strike the perfect balance? How Much of My Team’s Day Should I Plan? When planning your team’s daily schedule, it’s tempting to fill every minute with activities....

July 22, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
team having a picnic on picnic tables

Are Offsites Important for Teams Already RTO? Absolutely!

Offsites are all the rage these days; but, if your team is already in the office, do you really need one? Isn’t the office the place where all the magic happens? I mean, you’ve got the coffee machine right there, a solid Wi-Fi connection, and everyone’s favorite—endless meetings. So, why bother with offsites when you can just… stay put? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into why even the most office-bound teams can seriously benefit from an offsite....

July 20, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!