travelers in a made up la la land

Off-the-Beaten-Path Ideas for Team Travel: Unconventional Adventures for Your Distributed Crew

In the world of remote work, team travel has become the ultimate bonding experience. You’ve got folks dialing in from all corners of North America, Europe, and beyond. So, why settle for the same old, same old when it comes to your next team retreat? Forget the crowded beaches and tourist traps—let’s dive into some off-the-beaten-path ideas that will have your distributed team raving about the experience for years to come....

September 6, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
panopticon of video offsite

How to Lead an Offsite for Distributed Teams

In a world where teams are spread across time zones, leading a team offsite is like conducting an orchestra—except your violinist is in Singapore, your cellist is in New York, and your trumpeter insists on working from a cozy café in Paris. But don’t worry! With the right planning and a sprinkle of creativity, you can host an offsite that leaves everyone feeling connected, inspired, and ready to conquer the next big challenge....

July 31, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
work play balance

It’s All About Time: Finding the Perfect Balance for Your Team Offsite

Planning a team offsite? It’s exciting! You’re picturing bonding moments, brainstorming sessions, and a stronger, more connected team. But here’s the catch: if you overdo it, you risk team burnout and diminishing returns. If you under-plan, you might miss out on valuable opportunities for connection and productivity. So, how do you strike the perfect balance? How Much of My Team’s Day Should I Plan? When planning your team’s daily schedule, it’s tempting to fill every minute with activities....

July 22, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
Managing all these conflicting priorities in team preferences!

Beyond The Hard Costs of Running a Company Offsite

Offsites are like the team-building equivalent of a superhero’s training montage—essential, inspiring, and full of camaraderie. But unlike the movies, where you get to skip ahead to the epic final battle, planning and executing an offsite comes with its fair share of costs. And we’re not just talking about the obvious ones like flights, lodging, and conference room rentals. Oh no, my friend, there’s a whole underground lair of hidden expenses waiting to ambush your budget....

July 16, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
boss man talk

How to Justify the Cost of an Offsite to Your Boss (and Come Out Looking Like a Genius)

Offsites: those magical days where you and your team escape the confines of the office, bond over trust falls (do people do these anymore?), and hopefully solve that one problem that’s been haunting your department for months. But how do you convince your boss that this excursion is worth the investment? After all, the budget isn’t bottomless, and the ROI can seem, well, a little fuzzy. If you’re gearing up to pitch the idea of an offsite to your boss, fear not!...

May 27, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!
Team talking about preferences and logistics when planning their team trip

Are You Taking Your Team to the Right Spot? Here’s How to Find Out!

So, you’re planning a team outing. Awesome! But before you start packing your bags, have you really considered if the location you’ve chosen is the best fit for your team? Whether it’s a weekend retreat or an off-site brainstorming session, the right setting can make all the difference. But not everyone on your team wants the same things. Some crave adventure; others might just want to chill. How do you figure out the perfect place?...

May 8, 2024 · The Team @ Team, Assemble!